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Exploring Business Asset Disposal Relief for Capital Gains Tax

Imagine significantly reducing your capital gains tax liabilities when disposing of your business assets. Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR) offers this opportunity by reducing the Capital Gains Tax rate to just 10% on qualifying assets. This article will guide you through the complexities of BADR, helping you understand its key features, eligibility requirements, and potential pitfalls. You’ll also learn how to maximize BADR benefits for spouses and civil partners and explore alternatives to BADR for various situations.


Understanding Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR)

BADR is a tax relief that allows individuals and trustees to pay a reduced tax rate of 10% on gains from qualifying assets when disposing of or selling all or part of their business. This relief can be particularly beneficial for those who have participated in an enterprise management incentive scheme. BADR is an attractive option for many as it seeks to provide individuals and trustees with reduced Capital Gains Tax upon the sale or disposal of all or part of their business, including ordinary share capital.

However, certain restrictions apply to BADR; it is only accessible to those who own their business or shares in a company and cannot be utilized by companies in general. Moreover, BADR only applies to eligible disposals of assets related to the company’s main activities and cannot be used to dispose of investment assets. Being aware of these limitations is key in avoiding potential issues when claiming BADR.

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Key Features of BADR

The main characteristics of BADR include its applicability to specific qualifying assets and a lifetime limit of £1 million for relief claims.

The following subsections will delve into these key features, giving a comprehensive understanding of BADR.

Qualifying Assets

Qualifying assets for BADR encompass sole trade or partnership interests, assets employed in a business, and shares in a personal trading company. This means that disposals of sole trade or partnership interests, assets utilized in a business, and shares in a personal trading company can be eligible for the reduced tax rate offered by BADR.

For example, if you are a sole trader or partner selling your business, you might be able to claim BADR on the disposal of assets such as buildings and machinery. In contrast, if you are a shareholder disposing of shares in a personal trading company, you could also benefit from the reduced tax rate under BADR.

Lifetime Limit

BADR has a lifetime limit of £1 million, which means that individuals can claim relief on disposal proceeds up to this amount. This generous limit offers substantial savings for individuals selling shares or disposing of other qualifying business assets, with an estimated savings of £100,000.

However, exceeding the lifetime limit for BADR claims will result in the application of the regular Capital Gains Tax rate. Consequently, monitoring the total amount claimed under BADR becomes crucial in order to avoid any unexpected tax liabilities.

Eligibility Requirements for BADR

Eligibility for BADR requires meeting certain criteria, such as being a sole trader, partner, or company shareholder for no less than two years. The following subsections will further elaborate on the eligibility requirements for specific groups, including sole traders and partnerships and company shareholders.

Sole Traders and Partnerships

For sole traders and partnerships to be eligible for Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR), they must meet the following conditions:

  • Own the business for a minimum of two years

  • Be a sole trader or business partner

  • Have the business operate for at least two years before the sale or disposal of the assets

  • Ensure the company or business is a trading business

  • For partnerships, at least a 5% share in the partnership assets must be disposed of to qualify for BADR.

Sole traders are not eligible for BADR on an associated disposal. However, they may be eligible for BADR on the disposal of any assets used in their business at the time they ceased to trade. Noting this is important. A good understanding of these nuances will assist sole traders and partners in more effectively navigating BADR eligibility.

Company Shareholders

To qualify for Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR), company shareholders must meet the following criteria:

  1. Hold at least 5% of shares and voting rights in a personal trading company for at least two years.

  2. The company, or the holding company of a trading group, must be actively engaged in the company’s main activities, which should be trading. Additionally, the company should be part of the same group as the holding company.

  3. The company must be deemed commercially viable as a ‘going concern’ in accounting terms.

If the company ceases to be a trading company, it is still possible to be eligible for relief if the shares are sold within a period of three years. Understanding these requirements will help company shareholders determine their eligibility for BADR and plan accordingly.

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Claiming BADR: Process and Deadlines

To claim BADR and potentially postpone paying tax, individuals must file a claim within 22 months of the tax year in which the disposal took place, typically through a self-assessment tax return. Remembering this deadline is vital, as a miss could result in loss of the potential tax relief BADR offers.

The deadline to claim BADR is the 31st of January, one year after the conclusion of the tax year in which the business disposal was executed. Keeping this deadline in mind and ensuring all necessary documentation is prepared in advance will help you successfully claim BADR and benefit from the reduced Capital Gains Tax rate.

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Potential Pitfalls and Common Mistakes

Being aware of potential pitfalls and common mistakes when claiming Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR) is crucial in order to not lose out on the relief. Some potential drawbacks include:

  • Significant non trading activities

  • Share capital and voting rights

  • Assets held by the company

  • Charging rent to the company

By understanding these issues and ensuring compliance with BADR eligibility criteria, you can minimize the risk of missing out on the tax relief offered by BADR.

Transferring shares to a spouse is another common issue, as it may have tax consequences. The spouse may be liable for capital gains tax on the transfer. Consulting with legal and tax professionals to ensure eligibility and understand potential drawbacks when claiming BADR is essential to avoid such situations.

Maximizing BADR Benefits for Spouses and Civil Partners

Spouses and civil partners can each claim BADR up to the £1 million lifetime limit, providing potential planning opportunities to optimize relief. Here are some ways to maximize the benefits of BADR and reduce overall tax liabilities:

  1. Utilize the Transferable Tax Allowance

  2. Opt for Joint Assessment

  3. Inherit Additional State Pension

  4. Understand Legal Differences

By implementing these strategies, spouses and civil partners can make the most of BADR.

Careful planning and communication between spouses and civil partners can ensure that each party takes full advantage of the tax relief offered by BADR through their personal company. This strategic approach can lead to substantial savings and a more secure financial future for both individuals.

Interaction with Other Tax Relief Schemes

BADR is separate from other tax relief schemes, such as capital allowances, VAT, and income tax relief, and does not affect their applicability. This means that you can claim BADR without it having an impact on your ability to claim relief through other tax schemes.

However, awareness of the different tax relief schemes available is essential, as they could offer additional benefits depending on your specific circumstances. For instance, capital allowances can provide tax relief for the cost of certain assets used in your business, while VAT and income tax relief can offer savings on your overall tax bill. Exploring all available tax relief options is crucial to ensure you are maximizing your potential savings.

Alternatives to BADR

In some situations, alternatives to Entrepreneurs Relief may be more suitable for your needs. Here are some potential alternatives to consider:

  1. Investors’ Relief: This allows individuals to claim a reduced rate of Capital Gains Tax on the disposal of specific qualifying assets.

  2. (Seed) Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS): These provide investors with tax relief on investments made in qualifying companies.

  3. Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs): These enable companies to transfer ownership of their business to an Employee Ownership Trust, offering tax relief benefits.

By understanding these alternative relief options and assessing their suitability for your specific circumstances, you can make an informed decision on the best tax relief strategy for your business asset disposal.

Tips for Successful BADR Planning

Understanding the eligibility criteria and avoiding common pitfalls is crucial for successful BADR planning. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Ensure that you meet the requirements for BADR, such as the ownership period and the specific assets involved in the disposal.

  2. Be aware of the potential drawbacks mentioned earlier in this article.

  3. Take into consideration any alternative relief options when planning for BADR.

Seeking professional advice from legal and tax experts can also be invaluable in ensuring your BADR planning is successful. These professionals can help you navigate the complexities of BADR, maximize your tax relief benefits, and avoid potential pitfalls, ultimately leading to a more secure financial future.


In conclusion, Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR) offers significant tax relief benefits to individuals and trustees disposing of qualifying business assets. Understanding the key features of BADR, such as qualifying assets and the lifetime limit, as well as the eligibility requirements for various groups, is essential to successfully claim this relief.

By being aware of potential pitfalls and common mistakes, maximizing BADR benefits for spouses and civil partners, and exploring alternative relief options when necessary, you can make the most of the tax relief offered by BADR and secure a brighter financial future.

If you’re unsure about any aspect of your taxes or need assistance with financial tax planning, consulting tax advisors at Sleek will save you time, money, and potential headaches. At Sleek, we provide accounting services to aid you with an efficient and seamless tax process.


Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR) is a relief from Capital Gains Tax that allows business owners to pay CGT at a lower rate of 10% when they sell all or part of their business. This compares favourably with the current standard CGT rate of 20%. To qualify for BADR, the individual must hold a 5% stake in the business directly and any shares held by associates do not increase ownership.


It appears unlikely that the Business Asset Disposal Relief will be scrapped given the current difficult business climate caused by Covid-19 and the Government’s preference for tax breaks to attract and keep talented business people.


HMRC have a lifetime limit of £1 million for Business Asset Disposal Relief (BADR), and have issued nudge letters to those they believe may have exceeded this.



Qualifying assets for BADR include sole trade or partnership interests, assets used in a business, and shares in a personal trading company, enabling individuals to access capital from the sale of these assets.

To be eligible to claim BADR, company shareholders must hold 5% of shares and voting rights in a personal trading company for a minimum of two years.

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