SME Resources

What Is A Confirmation Statement?

On the 30th June 2016 private limited company Annual Returns were replaced by Confirmation Statements. The purpose of this was to change the process from re-filling a return to simply just ‘checking and confirming’ that the details held at Companies House are correct.

Confirmation Statement simply verifies that company data is accurate and up to date and provides a snapshot of a company’s basic information. Whereas previously you had 28 days to file the annual return, companies now have 14 days after their ‘confirmation date’ in which to file their Confirmation Statement.  The fee for the new process remained the same as the Annual Return (£13 online or £40 when filed on paper).

One confusion that existed with the Annual Return was mistaking it for the Annual Company Accounts. The change in name has hopefully helped to alleviate this confusion as they are very separate processes.

A Confirmation Statement includes a summary of the following information about a limited company or limited liability partnership:

  • Company directors
  • Registered office address
  • Shareholders
  • Share capital
  • People with Significant Control

You must provide the information regarding your People with Significant Control (PSC) in the first Confirmation Statement you complete.

Briefly, a person with significant control is someone who:

  • Holds more than 25% of a company’s shares.
  • Holds more than 25% of a company’s voting rights.
  • Holds the right to appoint or remove the majority of directors.

If the information held at Companies House is incorrect and needs updating (including shareholders information, change of company’s SIC code or amending the statement of capital) this can all be done when completing your Confirmation Statement. However, for any other changes (eg. New registered office address) a separate form will need to be completed and submitted at the same time as submission of your Confirmation Statement.

It is a necessity that all private limited companies and limited liability partnerships (LLP), that are registered in the UK, must complete a Confirmation Statement with Companies House every 12 months (although you can choose to file more often).  If you do not file a confirmation statement, then Companies House might wrongly assume that your business is no longer in operation. It then may take steps to remove the company from the register, causing its existence to cease.

Not sure about how to upload documents to companies house? Click that link to our article to find out more!

The process:

  • Before you file, check the information Companies House hold about your company.
  • File your statement online (or using paper).
  • Pay the fee.
  • Review period begins and a new statement must be filed within 12 months.

For advice on completing your Confirmation Statement and any company secretarial work, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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