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What is an EORI Number and How to Get One

Do you find international trade and customs processing daunting? Understanding eori number is key to simplifying the process and ensuring smooth transactions. In this comprehensive guide, we will demystify eori number, their formats, and how to obtain one. Embrace the world of international trade with confidence and make eori number your secret weapon for success.


Understanding EORI Numbers

EORI numbers, or Economic Operator Registration and Identification numbers, are unique identifiers assigned to businesses involved in importing or exporting goods within the European Union (EU). They streamline customs processing and make it easier for customs authorities to oversee and trace shipments entering and leaving the EU. Businesses need to acquire an EORI number to submit export declarations, entry summary declaration, and exit summary declaration, among other customs-related documents. The process of obtaining an EORI number is known as economic operators registration.

The EORI system, managed by the customs authority, ensures efficient customs processing when importing or exporting goods within an EU country, including the payment of import VAT and other customs duties. The UK’s HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) assigns EORI numbers to businesses that import goods and exporters upon request, a necessity for trading within the EU.

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EORI Number Formats

There are four main formats for EORI numbers, depending on the trader’s location and VAT registration status. For VAT-registered traders, the format is GB + VAT registration number (VRN) + 000. Traders who are not Vat-registered have a unique format of GB + a number. This unique number helps identify the trader easily. Traders importing or exporting physical goods to or from Northern Ireland use the format XI + unique number.

Knowing the correct EORI number format is important for the submission of accurate customs documents. These formats are part of the EORI system, ensuring that customs authorities can efficiently identify and process shipments within the EU.

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Determining if You Need an EORI Number

Companies and individuals participating in international trade within the EU need an EORI number. This includes businesses with a permanent establishment in the EU and traders moving goods to or from Northern Ireland. However, businesses based in the Channel Islands do not require an EORI number when transporting goods to or from the UK but may need one if using HMRC’s customs systems such as Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF).

Before applying for a new EORI number, ensure that your company is already registered as a permanent business establishment. Ineligible businesses should appoint a representative to handle customs on their behalf, who will need to obtain the EORI number instead.

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How to Check Your Existing EORI Number

To check if your company already has an EORI number, you can consult the EORI online database or use an EORI number validator. The UK government provides a service on their website for verifying an EORI number, allowing you to quickly and easily confirm your company’s registration status.

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Applying for an EORI Number: Step-by-Step

The application process for obtaining an EORI number varies depending on your VAT registration status and the type of goods you import or export. The subsequent sections will cover the information required for the application and the expected timeframe for obtaining your EORI number.

Required Information for EORI Application

When applying for an EORI number, you will need to provide specific information about your business and its operations. This includes:

  • Your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) and Government Gateway account login details

  • Your company’s name, address, and VAT number

  • Proprietor and incorporation/registration details

Providing accurate information is key to a smooth application process. Inaccurate or incomplete data may result in delays or even denial of your EORI number, hindering your company’s ability to engage in international trade within the EU.

Application Timeframe

The timeframe for obtaining an EORI number can take anywhere from 4 days to 1 week, depending on your VAT registration status. The application process itself is relatively quick, taking approximately 5-10 minutes to complete online. You will usually receive your GB EORI number immediately, but it may take up to 5 working days if further verifications are necessary.

To prevent potential delays, double-check that all required information is accurate and complete before application submission. Being proactive and applying for an EORI number well in advance of your planned international trade activities can help prevent shipment delays and customs complications.

Consequences of Not Having an EORI Number

Not having an EORI number can lead to significant issues with your international trade operations. Delays in customs clearance can result in delayed delivery lead times for imports and exports within the European Union, potentially causing financial losses for your business.

Moreover, not possessing an EORI number can incur additional expenses, such as storage costs, while awaiting customs clearance. To sidestep these consequences, confirm that your company has the correct EORI number before engaging in EU international trade.

Contacting the EORI Team

If you require assistance or have any queries regarding EORI numbers, you can contact the EORI team online by completing and submitting the Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) application contact form, or by telephone at 0300 322 7067.

The EORI team is available to support you in the application process and address any concerns you may have.

Recent Updates to EORI Regulations

Keeping abreast of EORI regulations is vital for seamless international trade. One recent update stipulates that senders must collect recipients’ EORI numbers starting March 1, 2023, to avoid shipping delays. Another update requires EORI numbers for Standard Individual Export, which is the export of goods from the European Union to non-EU countries.

Certain businesses trading in Northern Ireland have had their XI EORI numbers removed, necessitating the use of a UK EORI number for all customs declarations. Additionally, inbound air shipments to the European Union must now include an EORI number in their customs declaration. Staying informed about these updates ensures that your company remains compliant and avoids potential shipping delays or penalties.

Tips for Smooth International Trade with EORI Numbers

For a seamless international trade with EORI numbers, always ensure the correct EORI number is included on your commercial invoice. Customs authorities rely on this information to monitor the transportation of goods across the EU, and failure to provide the correct EORI number may result in delays or complications in customs processing.

Be aware of shipping requirements and country-specific regulations, as they can differ significantly between countries. Research the regulations of the country you are shipping to in order to ensure that your shipment is compliant with local laws. By maintaining up-to-date knowledge of these requirements, you can prevent potential delays and ensure a seamless international trade experience.


In summary, EORI numbers play a vital role in international trade within the EU, serving as unique identifiers for businesses and streamlining customs processing. Understanding the EORI system, its formats, and how to obtain one can significantly simplify your international trade operations.

By ensuring your company has the correct EORI number, staying updated on EORI regulations, and following the tips provided in this guide, you can navigate the world of international trade with confidence and success. Embrace the opportunities that international trade offers and let EORI numbers be your key to unlocking global business potential.

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You can find your EORI number by applying for one and receiving it via email within three working days. Alternatively, if you have a UK VAT number, you can check to see if it has EORI status by prefixing the nine digit number with ‘GB’ and suffixing with ‘000’.

No, an EORI number and a VAT number are not the same. An EORI number is required to import goods into the UK and EU, while VAT numbers have different registration requirements depending on where goods are being sold from/to. If you’re VAT registered however, your VAT and EORI numbers should be the same.

An EORI number is a unique identification number used by customs authorities within the EU, for persons or dealers carrying out custom activities. This system began in 2009 and replaced the old Trader’s Unique Reference Number (TURN).




Yes, UK EORI numbers are still valid; however, you may need a new EORI number if you plan to move goods to or from Northern Ireland.


To apply for an EORI number, you can complete an online application form on the government website if you are based in the UK. The application requires your UTR or VAT registration number.

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