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A guide to tax exemptions in the UK

Alright, folks, gather ’round because we’re about to dive headfirst into the delightful world of tax exemptions in the UK.

Taxes can be about as much fun as a rainy day at the beach, but fear not – we’re here to sprinkle a little humour and make this as painless as possible.

So, grab a cup of tea, settle in, and let’s chat about how to dodge some of those tax bullets.


What are tax exemptions in the UK?

Tax exemptions are like those elusive discount codes that can save you money on your online shopping, only the law is way more complicated.

Tax exemption refers to a provision that allows certain individuals, organisations, or activities to be excluded from paying certain taxes. These exemptions are typically granted based on specific criteria outlined by the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). They can apply to various types of taxes, including income tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax, and others.

Now, when it comes to businesses, tax exemptions can be a game-changer. Imagine this: In 1955, there was this cool plan to offer tax exemption for stuff that was exported. It’s like saying, “Hey, export your widgets, and we’ll cut you some tax slack.”

But here’s the kicker – not all income or donations get a golden ticket to tax exemption land. No, there are rules, regulations, and a whole bunch of other stuff that can change the game. So, it’s kind of like being on a rollercoaster where the rules change at every turn.

In a nutshell, tax exemptions are like that exclusive club you want to get into, but you need to know the secret handshake and dress code to get past the bouncer. So, if you’re eyeing a tax exemption, buckle up and get ready to decode the rules specific to your situation. It’s like solving a mystery, only with more paperwork.

Curious about tax evasion vs tax avoidance? If so, check out our article by clicking the link!

Take the first step towards a more compliant future by contacting Sleek today.

Understanding tax exemptions for individuals

Employment expenses

Okay, let’s talk about those expenses you can sneakily deduct from your employment income. The key here is that they must be as ‘necessary’ as that extra biscuit with your tea.

But remember, your daily commute is about as deductible as a unicorn in your backyard – nice thought, but not happening.

Now, here’s the twist: If you’re temporarily assigned away from your usual workplace, you can claim relief pay for travel and subsistence costs. So, if your boss sends you on a ‘business trip’ to the coffee shop down the road, well, pack your bags, my friend!

Personal deductions

If you donate to approved UK and EU charities, you can get some tax relief. Higher-rate taxpayers can even get higher-rate tax relief. It’s like getting extra credit for being generous!

And speaking of generosity, if you leave 10% or more of your estate to charity, the Inheritance Tax (IHT) rate drops to 36%.

Now, for the art lovers out there, you can get up to 30% relief on income tax or Capital Gains Tax (CGT) by donating ‘pre-eminent works of art’ to the nation.

Planning for retirement

Let’s talk pensions, shall we? Under 75 and living in the UK? You can join a UK-registered pension scheme. There are no limits on how much you and your employer can toss into that retirement fund.

But wait, there’s an annual allowance that plays party pooper. It’s currently £60,000, but it can get lower, depending on your income.

Oh, and remember, your employer can’t gift you a fancy pension contribution and call it a tax-free bonus. But you can get some tax relief on your own contributions, up to your UK taxable earnings. Just don’t overdo it, or there’s a claw back – and we’re not talking about Wolverine here.

Council tax exemption for students

When it comes to council tax, students can score some major financial relief. Picture this – your properties become an instant council tax-free zone if they’re exclusively occupied by full-time university or college students. Yep, that’s right, no taxes for your property owned!

Even those swanky student living halls of residence are in on the exemption party. So, you get to save those hard-earned pounds for more important things, like late-night snacks or textbooks (just kidding, we know which one you’ll choose).

Moreover, if you serve in the armed forces and reside in a property owned by the Secretary of State for Defence, intended for armed forces accommodation, you might qualify for an exemption from Council Tax.

Not sure about capital allowances in the UK? Check out our article by clicking the link!

Recent changes and important considerations

Defined Contribution (DC) pensions

Since 2015, if you’re over 55, your DC pension pot is like a treasure chest. You can dive in and take out what you need, paying income tax rates. The first 25% is free money – tax-free, that is. So, if you’ve got £268,275 stashed away, go ahead and plan that extravagant unicorn-themed party.

Pensions: death benefits

Now, for the grim part – death benefits. If you kick the bucket before 75, your remaining pension is like a golden goose – tax-free for your beneficiaries. If you’re over 75, they can still get their hands on it, but the taxman will come knocking.

Foreign pensions

As of 2017, foreign pensions joined the UK tax party, and there’s no sneaking through the back door. 100% of foreign pension income is now subject to UK income tax. So, no more offshore tax havens for your retirement yacht.

Personal allowances

Now, personal allowances are like your free pass at the tax theme park. Most UK residents get a £12,570 ticket, but it gets smaller if your income is playing in the big leagues. Cross £100,000, for example, and it’s like watching your allowance deflate like a balloon.

Marriage Allowance

Since 2015, if you’re not liable for much income tax, you can gift a slice of your personal allowance to another person, your spouse or civil partner.

Here’s the lowdown: one partner can generously transfer £1,260 of their Personal Allowance to their better half.

So, what’s the magic trick here? Well, the partner who’s raking in more income gets to earn an extra £1,260 before they have to dip into their wallet for Income Tax.

And the best part? This generous act can reduce their tax bill by up to £252 in the tax year.

Read More on Marriage Allowance Here.

Married Couple Allowance

Married Couple’s Allowance is like a vintage tax break for couples where one spouse was born before 6 April 1935.

But here’s the twist – it doesn’t lower your taxable income; instead, it slashes the amount of tax you owe. It’s like getting a discount on your tax bill.

More on the qualifying criteria of Married Couple Allowance here.

Business deductions

Now, for our self-employed friends – you can claim expenses that are ‘wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the trade.’ But beware, the taxman’s not amused by your business lunch at the fancy restaurant. Capital items? Nope, they don’t get an instant pass. And depreciation? Forget about it.

Cap on Income Tax reliefs

Tax reliefs not under a specific restriction get capped at £50,000 or 25% of your income – whichever hurts more. But don’t worry, charitable donations and a few other goodies are exempt from this cap.

Don’t miss out on potential savings or get caught in council tax confusion. Get in touch with Sleek today, and let us empower you to make informed decisions regarding your council tax obligations.

Let us help you secure your financial future by optimising your tax situation.


Taxes may never be a barrel of laughs, but understanding tax exemptions can certainly make them less intimidating.

Now that you’ve had a taste of the tax world’s quirks and perks, you might be wondering how to navigate it all. Well, fear not, because Sleek’s tax accounting services are here to be your tax-saving sidekick.

Just like we’ve made tax exemptions and allowances a breeze to understand, we’ll simplify your tax journey and ensure you’re making the most of every opportunity to save. With our expert guidance, you’ll be in control of your finances, making tax season a breeze.

Start Today!


Personal allowances are like your tax-free allowance – the standard one is £12,570, but it can shrink if you’re earning big bucks.

Absolutely! If you’re not paying much tax and you’re married or in a civil partnership, you can share some of your personal allowance with your better half.



Planning for retirement can be like solving a puzzle, but remember, there’s no limit to how much you and your employer can contribute to a UK-registered pension scheme. However, there’s an annual allowance, and it can vary based on your income. Consulting a financial advisor like Sleek if you need help figuring it out.

Absolutely! If you donate to approved UK and EU charities, you can often claim tax relief. Higher-rate taxpayers can get even more relief. Just make sure to keep records of your donations for the tax office.



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